Saturday, August 9, 2008

Gardening for Dummies

Our house has a lovely little pond in the back. At first, we were at a loss as to what to do with it. It smelled. The water constantly looked dirrrrty. Our dog drank the mosquito infested water. It was not pretty. But a sincere thanks to my mother for her guidance and the lovely people at Sunland Water Gardens, and we were able to set up our own little home oasis.

Below see the before and after pictures. A huge difference to our patio.

The Before...

The After!

Dwarf Water Papyrus, Golden Poppies and Water Hyacinth (Hyacinth donated by mom to get us started)

Tropical Water Lily. Amazing. There are two more buds that are waiting to open up.

This seems like it could be gardening for dummies. I can't keep anything green alive (good thing my dog is black and white.) Supposedly you can just put these in the pond, sit back and have a beer and they'll keep doing their thing. We're on week one and I haven't messed it up yet...