Thursday, October 23, 2008

I need a terrarium!

I can't believe I've survived all this time without a terrarium! OK, maybe it's not a necessity like food, water or shelter, but they are a great, low maintenance way to keep a little greenery in your home.

Real Simple, November 08, did a spread on terrariums that I love.

As a side note, I used one of those white stools in a project, and wish I had bought a second one for myself!

Velocity carries some great vessels
(You might need to create a little DIY base or use a small pot on all of the above to prevent leaks and allow you to open it up without all the moss and dirt flying around)

If a terrarium seems too advanced for you, try one of these sweet cube vases from rianrae...

We all know I can't keep a plant alive, so who am I to judge?