Wednesday, December 10, 2008

These are a few of my favorite things....

Oh dear, where does the time go? This time of year is notoriously busy for the interior design trade. Everyone wants their projects completed prior to Thanksgiving or Christmas. Heather and I have been so caught up in designing, negotiating and pleading with vendors that we have completely neglected our poor little blog. We're sorry to have kept you waiting, but wait no more my lovelies, we have a new post! Yippee!!

So we thought since it is gift giving time as well as (my favorite) gift receiving time, we wanted to show you a few of our favorite things that we have discovered this year. Each day we will feature some of our exciting discoveries. So while you may have been lost without your bimonthly blog from Inhabit Design, worry no more. WE'RE BAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!

This is what Heather and I will look like, blogging like MAD!!!

First on the favorites list:


We love discovering new artists and while not everyone can afford original art, everyone can appreciate it.

One of our dearest homies, John Barry of Kevin Barry Fine Art introduced us to the following photographer. This is the best photography that I have seen this year, hands down. His name is Kristoffersen and his website showcases some beautiful, moving photography. A-ma-zing. See for yourselves:

And speaking of affordability, check this website out for emerging artists. There are so many great pieces and the prices are just right. I heart U gallery.

Clare Graham is another exceptionally talented artist. He is someone that I just discovered this year and I could waste many productive work hours gazing at the photos on his website. At a time when eco-friendly products are all the rage and in high demand, Clare's pieces are at once both timely and timeless.

Gaze and adore, gaze and adore....

Button art

Bottlecap art

Style de Vie has some great options for art - vintage prints and photos galore.

Vintage American/Foreign movie posters

Vintage roller rink signs

Vintage Fortune magazine covers

That's it in a nutshell, a few of our favorite sources and artists. We leave you with a gorgeous photo of Christmas time, Las Vegas style.