When I put it like that, it sounds pretty intense. Did I really have that much to say (or rather, did I really think I had that much to say)? I'll spare you the introspection and get to the point of this post: In honor of sticking to this for the first quarter of 2009 and to mark the 100-post milestone, I thought I'd host a little giveaway. And no, be assured that this isn't my April Fool's Day joke on the world. Besides, this makes a pretty lame joke.
So this is how it's going to work --
To participate, you'll need to leave me a comment below letting me know what sorts of things you'd like to read about here at Odi et Amo during the course of the next 100 posts (or, in the alternative, what sorts of topics you're completely tired of hearing me babble on about). On Wednesday, April 8th, I'll randomly select two readers to win a free one-year subscription of her choice to one of the following design magazines:

And finally, the winners will also be able to select a digital subscription to Canadian House & Home, the next-best-thing to domino available on either side of the border:

Just think of it as my little "thank you" to everyone who stops by here on a regular basis and who has supported my blogging efforts. Prizes are open to U.S. and Canadian residents only (provided that Canadian residents are only eligible to receive a print or digital subscription to Canadian House & Home).