Friday, June 19, 2009

"Living in sweatpants . . . "


So, the exciting life of an interior designer sometimes includes a quiet Friday evening sorting laundry and watching a back-to-back marathon of "What Not to Wear" with Clinton Kelly and Stacy London. It's one of my favourite guilty pleasures. But, it also has me thinking . . .

Tonight's episode was about a lovely woman who's spirit and self esteem seemed to be broken, who just never believed that she was beautiful . . . and thus, never tried to be - spending almost everyday in baggy, ill-fitting clothes. It was almost too heartbreaking to watch. But, it was also spectacular to see her slowly discover the wonderful individual that was waiting inside . . . and how focusing time and energy on herself helped bring out the amazing person that she was hiding from. Chic. Stylish. Confident.

So, why might someone who writes a design blog be chatting about this? Well, I wonder how often our home environments might suffer from the same sort of malady. How many folks aren't 'living in' their full potential? Just as it takes effort not to throw on the sweatpants and a t-shirt . . . is there an interior design equivalent? What might the design counterpart of 'wearing frumpy clothes' be? And what are ways to avoid this?

One of the ways I keep from 'living in sweatpants' is using my good china for every meal. Beautiful bedding helps me keep the 'frumpy clothes' monster at bay. oh, and fresh flowers do wonders.

Comments ? Thoughts ?