Saturday, January 2, 2010

"Meanwhile, Back on Gallifrey . . . "

The Planet, Gallifrey


Well, I can only image that the Venn diagram depicting the overlapping segments of the population having a passion for classic interior design and a deep affection for British science-fiction is fairly small. In fact, my fear is that it might contain only Meg and myself. But, as this blog boasts - these are 'things which delight me' - and watching David Tennant's final episode of "Doctor Who" on BBC America this evening delighted me almost beyond description.

(and if you ARE a fan, and haven't watch the final episode, this missive contains no spoilers. just gushing praise.)

I've always been a huge fan of science fiction television - it's kinda hard to explain why. But, Doctor Who is an all-time favourite. There's something about exploring the human condition from a slightly 'off kilter' angle - like seeing humanity through the eyes of the 900 year old time lord - from the planet Gallifrey - called 'the Doctor' - traveling across time and space - with a trusty 'side-kick' - in a ship shaped like a 1963 London police call box -seriously, what could be more simple?

The Doctor 'regenerates' periodically - and thus can be portrayed by an ongoing collection of actors (10 different actors since 1963) - but tonight marks Tennant's final performance in the role. He has brought a sly, Shakespearean style to the program through the last three seasons and has helped to shape it into the sublime entertainment it has become.

Tennant with Billie Piper (Rose Tyler) - from Season 2

And Freema Agyaman (Martha Jones) from Season 3

and the sublime Catherine Tate (Donna Noble) from Season 4
(If you only know her from the hilarious Catherine Tate Show, she is actually an
actress of wondrous depth and honesty)

Though it's clearly difficult to describe, I can only recommend (if you have loads of time to spend) that you experiment with some of the more recent episodes with Tennant or Christopher Eccleston. And as further proof, one of the best examples of the series is contained in the clip below. Elton Pope, a guest character in an episode of season 2, reflects on the purpose of living . . .and they are fine words to live by - at any time - and on any planet . . .

live long and prosper,