Friday, April 16, 2010

"Aw, Lighten Up . . . "


I quite often read design magazines from back to front. I think I always have. I want to see the features first anyway, so I usually just start leafing through starting from the back page. That's not really the point if this post (an exploration of my idiosyncratic behaviour could fill numerous entries!) - but, it does mean that I often see an article before I see the title page - so a few weeks ago when I was leafing through the San Francisco Chronicle home section (from back to front) my thought was - "wait. I think I know that house!"

Well, 'know it' I most certainly did. It's the place that belongs to my friends Patrick Wade and Paul DeMattei - a 1905 Edwardian in the Ashbury Heights area of San Francisco.

You might recognize it as well - here it is several years back when it was featured in House Beautiful - all dark and dramatic and delicious. Sparkling crystals and polished silver shining against dark chocolate walls. A gleaming lacquered coffee table balanced by soft wool carpets.

But, good grief! Look at it now. Bright. Cheery. So often, in the design business, we preach about the power of a fresh coat of paint and some new decorative pillows - well, here's the proof. Clearly Patrick and Dave did more to their gracious home than just a few cans of paint and some textiles - but, it truly shows what you can accomplish once you embrace the idea of 'change.'


and after.
Even simple changes can help keep the space fresh and exciting.


and after.
No big changes in the dining room. But even simply re-hanging your
artwork can help the house feel new.

And I LOVE this bright, gleaming kitchen. What a perfect place to start the day.


the beautiful library table in the entry. Classic raffia wallpaper and
beautiful period woodwork in glossy white.


In the master bedroom, again not any dramatic changes. But many times, no big changes are really needed. Fresh, new bed linens can make all the difference.

So take a look around you house - maybe this weekend is the perfect time to add a little something new . . .


Photography for SF Chronicle - Peter DaSilva
Photography for House Beautiful - José Picayo