Good morning all,
Once again, it's time to start a new week. And once again, we have one more amazing weekend house to tour through before returning to our regular weekday schedules.
"The spot that visitors and the owners alike gravitate to most is the library, a formerly low-ceilinged space that has been opened to the rafters. That impressive alteration not only gave the room a breathtaking scale, it necessitated the installation of steel tension cables that stretch from wall to wall to keep everything from collapsing."
Love the colour palette in this dining room. Simple sisal floor coverings. Simple table linens.
Great use of colour in the entryway.
"When the weekend rolls around, award-winning accessories designers Richard Lambertson and John Truex leave Seventh Avenue behind for their handsome house in the Berkshires."
Speaking of simplicity, love the details in the bathroom.