Sunday, June 6, 2010

"In Every Job That Must Be Done . . . "


Just in case you were bemoaning the fact that you've had to spend your weekend catching up on the various domestic chores that seem to fill a goodly portion of our Saturdays and Sundays . . .

Let me introduce you to . . .

The Art of Extreme Ironing . . .

Wait, I didn't say extremely silly ironing -


According to the official website, extreme ironing is "the latest
danger sport that combines the thrills of an extreme outdoor
activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt."

And you thought ironing those fitted sheets was a challenge . . .

And just in case you're not feeling 'extreme' about your ironing . . . maybe you can just sing an English folk song to pass the time . . .

*checking the tension on the newly installed zip line*