Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Scream, You Scream, We all Scream for Ban.Do!

Ban.Do has been written about on the blogosphere before... but finally I decided to take the plunge and get myself some fabulous head-wear, since I've been constantly rotating through my small collection of hats and fun head-bands.

Super excited about my purchases - loving this lacy look - I will wear it both head-band style and like the model below, Nicole Richie style.

This one is my other purchase - my "starter" Ban.Do's are a bit demure - I might go wilder down the road.

I also wanted this guy, but it's not available right now. Boo.

And I just received an email from Anthropologie - they now sell Ban.Do's too!

Down the road, here are some looks that have my heart racing...

My favorite Bridal looks...

I Heart Ban.Do!