Sunday, December 21, 2008

Toiling madly . . . .

Greetings faithful reader,

Just working from home this evening trying to get the website updated with my recently completed projects from 2008. It never ceases to amaze me that I can fret and worry over each image and scrap of text, only to find a misspelled word or grammatical error only seconds after completing an update. After several days (and various proof-readers), I think I'm safe to post some new interior project and parties.

The other exciting news is that there should be some great press coverage my own home in next weekend's newspaper. It's part of an ongoing series examining how designers live and design in their own homes. I'm post the link once it's up. I've also been booked to appear in mid-January on a local television program to discuss my recent participation in the 2008 Dining by Design project.

Best wishes for an amazing holiday season
and Happy Christmas,
