Thursday, September 11, 2008

Who's the fairest of them all?

Three months after moving into our new home, too many of our walls are still bare. Here's some mirrors that might have to fill some of the voids.

Now this one is a conversation piece. From Ochre, it's made of cocoa beans.

Also from Ochre, a simple, clean convex mirror would look great above my entry console.

Though this mirror from Oly Studio is also a top contender for the entry.

This Oly Studio find would look great anywhere. Very similar to the mirrors from yesterday's MOULDING post.

Both mirrors above from Pottery Barn. As I mentioned in my Curtis Jere, I'm not usually a fan of the starburst mirror. Maybe it's how this one is merchandised, or maybe I'm just in a good mood, but this one above looks tempting.

Mirror mirror on the wall....