This past weekend my parents moved from their home of 22 years to a new (but nearby) house they built and customized themselves. While I'm excited for my parents, I'm a bit sad that "going home" no longer means going to visit the house I grew up in and their move has drive home more than ever that my childhood is long over. Meanwhile, the seemingly perverse realities that my (unborn) children will never experience Christmas in my childhood home or swim in my parents' backyard haven't really fully registered. For now though, I'm still having trouble remembering that I need to take an earlier exit when I head out to the suburbs for a visit -- and still having trouble finding a place for all the childhood through college mementos that up til recently had been stored at my parents'.
While this is perhaps a bit superficial, I find some comfort in the fact that the new house is drop dead gorgeous. Certainly, change is a good bit easier to handle when it's not only for the best (which this move was), but it's to a prettier place. I think my favorite feature is the gorgeous slate roof, which works so well with the brick and stone exterior. Since I thought you all might enjoy a few pictures of the new place, I asked my mom take some shots yesterday to share here with everyone.

The house is entered through an outdoor passageway that opens out onto a side courtyard, complete with outdoor fireplace. My sister jokingly refers to this part of the house as the Cloisters, with its narrow passageway and brick and stone archways. Personally, I really love the intimate atmosphere this space gives you immediately upon entering the house.
I just love the new outdoor fireplace -- too bad the family won't really get to enjoy it for another 6 months or so! My mother plans to install two large planters on either side of the fireplace for some additional color. I'd also love to see something decorative over the mantle; perhaps some decorative metalwork or even a star of Texas?

The side courtyard is flanked on one side by a small guest house (or casita, as my mom refers to it), which is just a guest room and bathroom. The separateness though of this space is excellent for anyone who hosts a lot of out-of-town relatives. If my sister and I weren't both in town, I'm sure we'd be fighting over who got to stay out here whenever we all came to visit.

This is the view of the side courtyard and outdoor fireplace from the yard. My mother has big plans for the landscaping here and I can't wait to see it. My hope is that in a few years my dad will capitulate and put in a pool.

The back of the house opens out onto a second large covered patio. Since the house is oriented on a roughly north-south direction, this part of the yard receives significantly less sun than the west-facing side courtyard, making it ideal for hot Houston summers. Fans underneath the patio will also help keep this patio cool and comfortable, even in 90 degree weather.

Since the back patio is just off the kitchen, my mother had an outdoor barbecue and mini-fridge installed here. Dave can't wait to start grilling and I can't wait to sit outside and enjoy the shade and a nice margarita.
While I didn't intend to leave y'all with a cliff hanger, I'll have to save a tour of the inside for another day as things are (understandably) still a bit unsettled on the inside. Once my mother unpacks and gets things more in order, I promise to finish this up with a tour of the inside. Just wait until you see her new kitchen; it's incredible.
So what about you? Do your parents still live in the house they grew up in? If not, how did you feel when they moved?