After a rather unpleasant dental procedure today, I decided to take the rest of the day off work and spend the afternoon and evening out in the 'burbs with my mom (who was generous enough to drive me to/from the periodontist). Since her new house is just a few blocks -- yes, I've actually made the affirmative decision to live near my parents -- I couldn't resist dropping in to check on the progress. While I expected the shingles to be on and the roof completed by the end of this week, I had no idea they would also be installing all the windows! It's amazing how much a difference the windows make; it's really starting to look like a home now. This weekend we'll be giving the grand tour to Dave's grandmother who is in town for a visit and I plan on taking some interior shots then to post on here next week. The views from the second floor balcony are (for Texas coastal prairie, anyway) quite lovely.

Not to sing the praises of St. Obvious or anything, but tonight I also got a brand new look for Odi et Amo. What do y'all think? The lovely and talented Erin at Designer Blogs hooked me up with this spiffy new look for a really great price. To top it off, she even uploaded the new design for me, which was a "must" for me considering my limited HTML skills. While the wait time is a month to six weeks, if you're looking to perk up the look of your blog, I'd definitely recommend her as the end result is more than worth the wait. Thanks, Erin!