Friday, February 26, 2010

moroccan shopping adventure

Today I hit the Moroccan jackpot. While looking for some outdoor furniture with a client, we visited the most AMAZING shop - Badia Designs. More Moroccan goodies than you can even imagine. Room after room of gorgeous lanterns, poufs, antique doors and fountains. I cannot wait to go back. We are having some goodies delivered to her home on Saturday - keep your fingers crossed that they work out!

Moroccan decor was trendy around the country last year, but I feel like it transcends trend here in Los Angeles because it really works well with our Mediterranean architecture and climate...

Here are some gorgeous images from one of my other favorite local Moroccan shop - Mosaic.

I would gladly have this outdoor set up in my backyard.

I keep trying to convince my husband that our house needs a pouf. I think I need to stop trying to convince and just pull the trigger myself :)

I'm mad for these metallic ones.

Love all these lights displayed.

We plan on hanging three different lights at three different lengths at my client's home. Cannot WAIT to photograph the final result.

I've had my eye on a Moroccan wedding blanket for a while now.

This antique door knocker is absolutely insane!

I decided to create a little Polyvore collage of my ideal Moroccan shopping outfit - loose grey shirt paired with either a beaded necklace or fabulous ethnic-vibe scarf. Bright jewel colors and some sexy shades...

Moroccan Shopping Adventure
Moroccan Shopping Adventure by TheGoodsDesign featuring By Malene Birger accessories