I am OB-sessed with lists. Anyone that knows me knows this, and most of my family members have made fun of me for this at one time or another. The favorite part of my day is when I get out a fresh sheet of paper and rewrite my list from the day before. And I know that this isn't weird because my Auntie JoJo does the same thing too! And my brother has lists, tons of lists! And my mother and, well, it may be a genetic defect, but I could think of so many other horrible things that I could be obsessed with, right?
Here are the lists that I'm currently working on:
- Daily To Do List
- Things to Accomplish This Year
- House To Do List - separated by room
- To Buy List
- Classic Books to Read - I posted this on my bulletin board 2 years ago and I think I've read 3. Out of 75.
- Work To Do List
- New Office To Buy/Do List
Looking at the list of my lists really makes me feel like a nutjob, but lists are my crack and I'm not ready to put down the pipe.
What about you guys? Do you have systems for your lists? Did you know that there are TONS of websites devoted to lists? I'm also always looking for ways to improve my lists. I'd love to hear your tips. Really. Please, send them.

For fun, check out these fabulous list websites:
Phew - now I can finally take "write a new blog" off of my list. Until tomorrow, I guess.