In the spring of 1987, when I was in first grade, my parents moved from inner Houston to its suburbs. Once we settled in, one of the first rooms my mother decorated (with the help of a designer from Ethan Allen, if I recall correctly) was my bedroom. At the tender age of 7, I was allowed to select the basic design elements for my bedroom -- and I remember feeling so very grown-up throughout the process. My color palette? Pink and white, of course! Pink splashed across wallpaper, balloon draperies, bedding and, of course, my very own crown canopy (or coronet), which transformed my antiqued white iron bed into a gloriously feminine, over-the-top confection of pink and white flowers, balloons and stripes (for contrast, natch). While the bedroom didn't exactly see me through childhood, it did last me nearly a decade when, at the age of 16, I finally managed to convince my mom to let me redecorate the room to make it a tad more adult.
Alas, I can't manage to come up with a good photograph of my childhood room, but this collection of perfectly girlie, perfectly pink rooms illustrates the timelessness (and the whimsy) of princess bedrooms for little girls. And, while I can't say that I'd want this look for my own bedroom, there's a part of me that still loves the over-the-top femininity of coronets and lots and lots of pink.
I love the shape of the canopy on this one -- and how it hangs so crisply from the ceiling. Adding molding around the canopy is a great, inexpensive way to add structure to the canopy (loose, flowing canopies have a more casual, island feel). Using a single, bold pattern on walls and upholstery is a classic choice for a bedroom. Sure, it's a very "decorated" look, but it's a guaranteed way to make a statement. Note too how Katie used the print as a contrast welt on the side chair. Brilliant.

Coral and sage green, especially when grounded by hits of black, is a decidedly more grown-up color palette. The mix of florals and traditional monograms with the more exotic ikat and suzani prints ups the sophistication further.
It can be difficult to find a daybed that looks and acts more like a true sofa, but this one's cozy cozy arms really makes this guest bedroom look more like a lounge comfy lounge (which is ideal for the vast majority of us who have only infrequent overnight guests). My favorite touch is the brass nailhead trim, which overlays a slate blue ribbon that coordinates with the wallpaper and primary fabric.
There's a lot here that I love: a classic toile print, an upholstered headboard with a contrast welt, an oversized monogram, blue and white porcelain, and a scalloped pelmet box window treatment. In fact, now that I think about it, it's darn near perfect.
This is precisely the room I would have asked for at the age of 8 if I'd had the budget (and vocabulary) to employ Ruthie Sommers. China Seas' Lyford print on the chair and pillow is a great choice that won't date and will work equally well in a guest room when your little one flies the nest.
There's a lot about this room that's incredibly traditional: the toile, the draperies, the antique daybed, the rug. And yet the orange upholstered chairs and loveseat, despite their shapes, are incredibly modern. It's this dichotomy that makes the room interesting.
In many ways, this rooms feels much more traditional than what I'm seeing from Adler. Maybe it's the gingham print or the antique armoire (albeit painted a vivid yellow). Nevertheless, the lime green lining on the interior of the canopy feels exactly like something the purveyor of Happy Chic would come up with. Yellow and lime green, while still joyful and child-like, ensure that the pink is way more hip than sweet.
This is a great mid century modern twist on a classic canopy. To create a similar, stream-lined look, keep the shape of the canopy rectangular (no fancy scalloping needed) and the print geometric and colorful. Note too how the wall behind the daybed is not swathed in fabric this time and the lining of the fabric coordinates rather than contrasts with the primary print.
Not all little girl's rooms have to be pink. In fact, I'd bet just as many girls list purple as their favorite color as those who call pink their signature. I love how Tobi added the black trim and zebra fabric to ground the space and ensure that it will be just as possible when the Little Princess turns 16 as when she turns 6.
Gwyneth Paltrow's Hamptons' home via Habitually Chic
This room confirms my suspicions that being the daughter of an A-list movie star and a mega-rock star comes with some serious perks. Apple Martin is one seriously lucky little girl to have such a chic bed at the tender age of 6. I particularly appreciate that the pink is very saturated and the contrasting white and yellow zig zags. The monogrammed pillows, in hot pink and a more streamlined font, remind me of something you'd like up at Jonathan Adler. While I think the white walls and white floors is a wee bit sterile, I do like the high contrast between the bed and the rest of the space. If this were a room in my house though, I'd warm the floors up with a flokati or sea grass rug (maybe change it out for the seasons?) to add some warmth and texture.
So what about you? Did you have a canopy or coronet in your childhood room? Do you have one now -- or do you think this look is for kids only?