Wednesday, January 21, 2009

"At Last . . . "

Greetings and salutations,

Yesterday was just such an amazing day. One of the new facets of the day, for me, was seeing it through so many differing vantage points. Watching CNN for the 'big news' point of view. Watching the local news stations for some more 'local interest' stories. Constantly 'refreshing' my facebook 'status' page to keep up with folks visiting D.C. and a few lucky friends (yay, Rice!) who were taking part in the parade. Talking with friends at home by phone. Swinging through blogspot to see who was posting directly from D.C. And at 12:01 pm, seeing the new White House website launch.

It was just such an emotional day, and yes, there were tears several times over the course of the morning and again last evening seeing the new first couple dancing at the various Inaugural Balls. Great dress on Michelle by Jason Wu. and great speeches by Barack.

And today, we get on to the work of creating the future of our country.
