Monday, January 19, 2009

Reader's Diary from Green Chair Press

A perennial New Year's resolution of mine is to read more -- or, to be more specific, turn off the TV and make more time for reading in the evenings. It's not that I don't like to read (I've always been a bibliophile), but I feel like I often forgo the pleasure simply because it's easier to leave the computer or TV on at the end of a long day (or even squeeze in that one last "to do" before bed) than to make time for myself. Something like this could help me stay on track:

Like keeping any other resolution, accountability is the key to success -- and what better way to hold yourself accountable than to keep a list of what you've read? This Reader's Diary (from Green Chair Press) has room to record the date, title and author of each book you read and even includes a rating system. Another bonus: I could see this coming in particularly handy when the holidays roll around again and I'm scrambling to remember what books I've read over the past year and liked enough to buy as gifts for others. Perhaps best of all, it's priced right at only $10.