Saturday, August 21, 2010

"Casting a Quiet Glow . . . "


We've made it through yet another work week - and our newest "Love Letter" brings us to the "g." I've always felt that one of the most important aspects of a beautiful home is your ability to layer lighting throughout the space. A good balance of overhead fixtures and table lighting can bring a beautiful glow to your home. Oh, that and some candlelight.

But, there's another layer of lighting that you can always add to your home . . .

"G" is for . . .

"Gallery Lights"

Now, I love gallery lighting. I love their ability to highlight specific pieces - bringing one's focus directly onto the artwork. But, outside of this more obvious use, there is little more glamorous than a room in the evening - aglow with only the gallery lights illumined. - and maybe a little candlelight as well. Lighting perfection.

And don't think that they can only be used in more traditional spaces. Jamie Drake easily adds gallery lights to the artwork in this remarkable, much more contemporary bedroom.

From one of the projects here in San Francisco - in our own portfolio.

Not only are they great for artwork - I also love seeing (and using) them for lighting a library as well. Casting a quiet, beautiful glow over the collection of books and artifacts.

A perfect library. Just bathed in glorious lighting.

And one of the images of the study in my own home. I think it's wise to keep all the gallery lights (as well as all of your lighting) on dimmer switches. It's important to be able to 'manage' the lighting at the house.

It's great fun - just before a dinner party here at the house - to adjust the lighting. Gallery lights a little higher. Table lamps lower. Turning the overhead lighting down to almost nothing. Lighting some candles. Making sure that everyone is presented in their best 'light.'
