Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Some Weekend Sewing . . . "


Well another week finally comes to an end, but our adventurous tour through the "Love Letters" series continues. And this was actually one of the first ideas that I came up with when I began working on the series (but, of course, I'm still writing like a madman at the last minutes - why does it always seem to work that way - lol)

So prepare yourself for a lengthy look at our next letter.

"J" stands for . . .

"Jacobean Crewel"

And for me, one of the best resources for these amazingly versatile textiles is Lee Jofa. A prime example is their wondrous "Sohil" fabric - detail images open this post and also below - but, above - see them in their full glory in this wonderful seating arrangement from Suzanne Kasler.

And speaking of fabulous, this is a sample of the new textile collection from Oscar de la Renta for Lee Jofa. Isn't this brash, vibrant crewel work simply perfect?

Maybe something a bit more traditional, but with that same vibrant colours?
I'm loving "Arbre de Vie" - from Lee Jofa as well.

And some other favourites . . .

I actually used Bartholomew Velvet for decorative pillows in my own bedroom a few years ago.
So beautiful!

And who could ever forget one of my favourite rooms - with Jacobean Crewelwork upholstered to the very walls of the bedroom . . .

The completely delicious, Roger Banks-Pye


ps. and a particular 'thank you' to Jennifer and the NY Lee Jofa showroom for the amazing detail images.