Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"Defeating Monica . . . "

Good morning faithful reader,

My apologies for going 'radio silent' for the last few days. I've been working on a project here at the house again. There seem to be no end of 'projects' here at the house. lol.

The new enemy is my "Monica Closet" - that closet where everything that doesn't go anywhere else seems to land and fester. Mine is the second walk-in that's back in my study (yes, I have two walk-in closets here in San Francisco. don't hate me). It's basically used to store non-season clothing, holiday items, and various kinds a design debris. And because it's not in regular use, it tends to get out of hand quickly. But, I will defeat Monica before the weekend is done. Oh, and maybe the linen closet as well. lol.

It has been a few days, and it's beginning to shape up . . . but, I need another quick trip to The Container Store tonight after work to get more supplies . . .

on task,

(disclaimer: my closet is not NEARLY as bad as Monica's. Seriously, that's messed up!)