Sunday, January 17, 2010

Haiti Relief Efforts - Donation

Our hearts have been touched as we heard and saw pictures of the devastation experienced by the people of Haiti when the 7.0 magnitude earthquake pulled their island apart January 12th. It's impossible for any of us looking in from the outside to comprehend this tragedy. We are all God's people and the Haitian people need our prayers and help in the rescue and recovery efforts right now.

To help in the massive relief effort, we have been encouraged to send monetary donations. Simplified Bee will donate $1 {up to $100} for every comment left on this blog post in the next three days {by January 20, 2010 at noon PST}. The donation will be made to Catholic Relief Services.

My heartfelt prayers goes out to all of the individuals and families so tragically impacted by this disaster.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

~ Psalm 34:18

*images courtesy of Reuters and Getty Images