Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Come a little bit closer...

I knew I liked my brother's fiance when I first met her. But I knew I LOVED her when she remembered that Chuck Close is hands down my favorite artist. Funny thing is, I don't even remember telling her that. But she remembered.

I thought I'd share some of his works. What's interesting is how some of his works are SO photo realistic, while others are an acid trip version of pointillism.

I'm not sure I can describe why I love him so much, which is why I went to interior design school rather than art history, but I think he's brilliant. I think it's in the eyes of his subjects...

A portrait of Close.

A close up of Close.

A jacquard tapestry of the artist. Amazing. And I can barely knit a scarf...

And a tapestry of Kate Moss. She looks beautifully flawed.

I imagine the three guys above were college roommates... Bet they had some killer parties.