Monday, September 22, 2008

Good Eeeeeeveeening.........

In my opinion, Halloween is one of THE most fabulous holidays of the year. I am not ashamed to admit that I even took a Halloween craft class and made some super-sweet tombstones for our yard. Don't judge, we all have our weird things, right?

courtesy of

I'm not really a fan of cutesy Halloween decor, I kind of go for the Victorian/Gothic/Alfred Hitchcock/creepy Halloween decorations. Nothing bloody or gory, but more science-lab-gone wrong and 59 year old spider webs and spider egg sacs and ravens perched in precarious locations.
Let's take a look at what some of our favorite catalog retailers have to offer in the way of Halloween decor.

Here's what I'm loving from Pottery Barn:

This is a wall-size poster of a haunted house. Brilliant!

Grandin Road has a wonderful selection of Halloween goods for a retail shop, especially for the exterior.

A bubble/fog machine? What?????????

Now let's visit the goddess of all things Halloween - Ms. Martha Stewart.

Martha has a really cool section on her website that is entirely devoted to Halloween. Her crafts are the best - she has numerous tutorials and you can even sign up for a daily email that teaches a new Halloween craft EVERY DAY! Look at these gems:

I could post picture after picture, but it's best for you to check out her website. Get inspired and happy haunting!