Thursday, December 10, 2009

"A Place at the Table . . . "

Greetings and Salutations,

I know we all have our blog reading rituals - maybe it's on Sunday morning with a huge cup of coffee, maybe it's part of your late evening as you wind down for bed.

Well, last night I was actually reading blogs IN bed after a long day - and noticed that the new Skirted Round Table was available - and that the ladies (Megan, Joni, and Linda) were discussing a topic near and dear to my heart - holiday decorations.

Well, that's one of those got-to-hear-this-right-now kinda things. So - I started listening - and also reading a few other blogs while the ladies reviewed so many holiday postings from so many talented bloggers - then - what - I thought I heard my own name. Wait. What. Joni Webb said my name.

Well, gosh, I'm just pleased as punch to have the video tour of my home included in the latest discussion on the SRT. A profound thank you all for including me.
