Wednesday, December 9, 2009

U is for... Umbra

We have almost reached the end of my A-Z project - a daily interior design idea based on the letter of the day. V, W, X, Y and Z are all that are left! I have to say, I'm most excited for Z (and no, it's not zebra.)

For "U" I had a bunch of options I was working on, "unique", "unbelievably jealous," but Umbra felt right. I have loved their goodies for years (ever since I was working retail and selling their goods in our shop!)

Here are some of my "must-haves" from their online store. Fabulous prices - would make great Chanukah or Christmas presents!

I would love this concealed shelving unit for my office!
Here's how it works:

Another chic office item? Their tape dispenser. Gotta love when form meets function.

Put this picture frame in your cubicle, and you are officially the most stylin' one at the office.

LOVE their home goods, like this vase I've been drooling over for months.

This wine rack would make a fabulous engagement/wedding gift if you are feeling brave enough to go off registry.

Personally, it's not fancy design, but high on my list is this recipe filer that stands up so you can see your recipes while cooking!

I have long been obsessed with polaroids pictures - love these "polaroid" wall frames... Though I still miss that grainy polaroid look - I can't believe they were taken off the market!

I'm not sure I love the look of these corner wall frames but I am crazy about the idea.

They have some great decorative wall clocks... like what to do with leftover Father's Day ties.

This interesting geometric one.

Sunburst meets porcupine.

I am super into black and white bird motifs - this would be a perfect laundry hamper for me.

And these accessories would bring a huge smile to my face in the bathroomCould get through my stacks and stacks of design magazines :)

Happy Wednesday!