Friday, April 29, 2011

"Enchanted . . . "


From a very groggy day at SMW Design. Been here at the office most of the day - on about 4 hours of sleep (from 4am to 8am!) but wanted to share some of my favourite images of this morning's wedding.

So - let's take things in some kind of order here -

The Dress.

I loved the dress.  It almost felt like a combination of two of my favourites, Grace Kelly's dress & the wedding dress from The Sound of Music.  (you can see them both here.) Traditional yet still modern.  And it highlighted her incredibly beautiful figure.  And the fact that it was from the house of fashion designer Alexander McQueen was a huge tribute to British fashion.  Well done. 

The Pageantry.

This might be one of Britain's major exports - lol.  All uniforms and marches and national pride - no one on Earth puts on quite the same show!  But, I also love the intimacy that was still clearly present in the service.  I've actually had the privilege of attending worship services at Westminster Abbey when I'm in London - and in fact - I usually sit just behind the musicians in the Quire seating.  And even though the space is clearly massive - the experience still feels amazingly personal.  

The Abbey.

Okay, coming from someone that regularly fills his home with multiple trees each and every Christmas - I just about lost my mind when I saw this.  Seriously.  It felt imaginative and brought an air of enchantment to the entire service.  Love. 

The Couple.

It all seemed perfectly charming.  And personal.  And at times almost humorous.   I wish them well - and hope that we all (myself included), get caught up on our sleep!
