Monday, March 2, 2009

"Count to Six . . . "

Thanks to Michele over at My Notting Hill for tagging me on the "Six Interesting Things About You" list that seems to be moving throughout the design blogs . . . lol. Let's see what I can come up with?

1. I have no sense of smell. Seriously, none. No roses. No dog poop. Nothing. It seems to be genetic on my mother's side of the family. There are several people on her side of the family (including my mother) who can't smell.

2. I've been singing opera with the San Francisco Lyric Opera Chorus for the last five years. It's a great small opera company that focuses on the classic repertoire. I'm kind of a ham . . . and love being on stage - singing really loudly in Italian. lol. The good part is that I've been performing with the company long enough that now I'm singing Rigoletto for the second time - opening in about six weeks.

3. I workout every morning. and can do 84 sit-ups in 60 seconds. lol.

4. If I could figure out a way to make a living . . . I would move to London. Seriously, I could be at the airport today.

5. I can't decide which textile to use for the new cloth for my dining room table. It's been over four months and I can't make a decision. You'd think that someone who designs all day, everyday, could pick a damn fabric. ugh.

6. I'm a huge fan of Sci-Fi TV. Doctor Who, Torchwood, and my beloved Battlestar Galactica. (For you unfamiliar with the show, one of the main characters, played by the ever so lovely Tricia Helfer, is named "Six." hence . . . her photo here.)

Let's see . . . who shall I tag to be next ?

1. ArchitectDesign
2. GrannySmithGreen
3. PigtownDesign
4. RedTicking
5. EasyandElegantLife
6. Mr.Peacock
