Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Marcia Marcia Marcia!

When I hear the name "Jan," I can't help but think of that Brady Bunch episode when she says "Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!" Well, now it's Jan's turn to shine. But no, not that Jan - it's Jan Showers, delicious interior and furniture designer. I was at the David Sutherland showroom yesterday at the Pacific Design Center, and every piece I loved was a Jan Showers! Here are some of my favorites:

This coffee table is insanely gorgeous. I see it in Elle Decor all the time and want to reach into the magazine and grab it.

This sofa is a delightful combination between contemporary (the top) and traditional (the legs)

This bench. Oy. I long for it.

The color of this lamp base is so lovely - another item to keep in mind for my dream Malibu beach house!

Side table. I'm a sucker for nailheads.
I'll take it all!