Friday, November 20, 2009

K is for... Knits

Next month winter officially arrives! If you are on the East Coast, that means you are probably already bundled in in your heavy winter coat. If you are in LA, like me, that means you are in shorts, a t-shirt and Uggs. If you are in Hawaii? Christmas is probably bikini weather.

But no matter the outside temperature, everyone loves the idea of winter - hot cocoa, warm fires, and knits! The Anthropologie catalog arrived last week filled with gorgeous knit homewares - here are a few.

Adorable knitwear candles.

Knit cuckoo clocks - we almost bought one for our house, but ended up not pulling the trigger. If I ever buy a ski condo - this is going on the wall!

And a knit chevron patterned throw that is reminiscent of both Missoni and grandma at the same time.